Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Top Three Tuesday

1. "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." - Douglas Adams
I'm starting to believe this more and more every day as I watch the news. I just wish that there was someone running that had a consistent voting record, never changed loyalties, and said what they really felt instead of what would make them popular.

2. "I wish the election was being held tomorrow. I'm bored!" - Tom Hanks

3. "Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the National Debt." - Herbert Hoover
The economic stimulus package passed recently. That means that every taxpayer will get around $600 back from the federal government in May. They want us to turn around and spend this money so that America can avoid a recession in the present. I'm not an economist but I'm wondering: is anyone paying attention to my future?


Morgan Owen said...

Just had to say that I loved #2! November can't get here quick enough. :)

Also, I love the heading "a small-town girl in Seattle" :)

Hope your week is going well.

Michael said...

One good thing has come out of this past week...the idea of misspeaking. Now if I say something stupid, I can just say "Well I misspoke". Think that'll go far....no probably not :)