Monday, February 18, 2008

1 Corinthians 11

You know those days where God seems to be yelling at you in order to get your attention? Not the quiet whisper or gentle suggestion, but flat out yelling. Yeah, so today was one of those days for me. My day centered around 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. It's about what the Lord's Supper is and what it isn't. I listened to a sermon about this passage at the Journey this morning and just came back from an unrelated Bible study on it tonight. Here's what God yelled at me:
1. We are designed for community. Chris pointed at this morning that one of a Christian's first reactions to having committed a sin is to distance themselves from the local church. Coming together for the Lord's Supper forces a believer to face their sins in a supportive environment where real change can occur.
2. I shy away from community a lot. I tend to skip opportunities to be with my brothers and sisters in Christ. That's gotta change. I can't be satisfied with just going to church. I need to be part of the church, the body of believers established to keep each other strong and bring about the kingdom of God.

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