Thursday, June 12, 2008

Top Three Thursday

1. The Walkable U-District. For those of you that aren't familiar with Seattle, the city is made up of what has to be at least a million neighborhoods/districts. Okay, so there are only about 77 distinct neighborhoods, but that's still a lot. A website recently gave walkability scores to these districts. The U-District, the part of Seattle I live in, was #8 on the list. That means that I can go shopping, out to eat, to the movies, or to the park (among other places) without the use of anything but my own trusty feet.

2. lectio divina james dobson. According to Google Analytics, that's what a large number of people type in to find my blog. I'm one of the top picks because in May I wrote this post about James Dobson and this post about a devotional I'm going through that uses lectio divina. To those that are wondering, I have no idea what James Dobson's stance is on lectio divina. Sorry. But now I'm curious about why you're curious. If you happen to be one of those people, please let me know.

3. Women's Studies Emphasis. So, I'm being slightly sarcastic on this one. I've been getting information in the mail from different seminaries lately. They all have one thing in common. They send me a pamphlet on what I'm sure is a great women's studies program that I have no interest in. My view is that I'm a woman and, therefore, I presumably already know what emotional and spiritual needs a woman has. I don't need eight courses to teach me that.
I think that seminaries should be equal opportunity and start offering a Men's Studies Emphasis for all the guys out there. It could have courses like: "Biblical Theology of Men", "Current Issues for Men", "Cultural Influences on Men", and "Relationship Skills Building." Just a suggestion.


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