Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mixed Emotions

You know that part in "10 Things I Hate About You" where the girl says "I know you can overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you just be whelmed?" My version of that today is "I know you can overpack, and I know you can underpack, but can you ever just pack?"

Tonight, three friends and I are going to India for 3 weeks. I don't know exactly what emotion I'm experiencing right now. The fact that I'm going to India hasn't really hit me yet. I'm sure that half way through the incredibly long plane ride I'll realize what I've gotten myself into.

Good emotions: Excitement (the thought of going to India is what started my constant wanderlust way back in elementary school), happiness (I get to work for a wonderful cause), curiosity (I love learning new ways of doing life).

Not-so-good emotions: Apprehension (while I know what I'm doing, I don't know exactly what I'll be doing. In other words, I don't have the details that my personality so thoroughly craves), separation anxiety (people keep talking to me like I'm never coming back or something), some level of fear (as a human, I naturally fear the unknown, and India is definitely the unknown at this point.)

I heard that we're going to have internet access in India so I'll try to keep you posted on what I'm up to. Until then, much love and peace.

1 comment:

Rach said...

your going to do great!