Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Newest Evangalism Tool

If you ask me how I prefer to do evangelism, you will hear a lot about building relationships and loving people like Jesus would. If you ask me what evangelism method I, well, let's say 'less than love', you'll see me give a little laugh and immediately answer "the evangacube". Don't get me wrong. The evangacube is good for some contexts, but in mine it would probably get me laughed out of the room.
Today at the religious community information fair on campus, I came across what I believe to be the new hot evangelism tool...

Our Mormon neighbors used this method to explain their beliefs to anyone with about five minutes to spare. While I didn't agree with everything they said (obviously), it made me strangely happy that other faiths have their own cheesy ways of sharing what they believe. Anyway, I have no doubt that the evangelical version of Evangacups will be hitting the Lifeway shelves any day now :)

Here are a few other pictures from my day. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Rach said...

I'll be there if there's candy.