Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Acts 16

First things first. My dad celebrated the first half-century of his life this week, so I would be amiss if I didn't say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! You're the best-est ever :)

As you probably know, I've been stressing a lot lately about whether to stay in Seattle another year or go back to school. On Sunday night, I listened to part of a sermon series on Acts. I used to think that the book of Acts was a book of church history with a little Pentecost action at the beginning and Paul ticking the known world off for the rest of it. It has never been one those go-to books for when I'm trying to make tough life decisions or needing comfort. I think that God gave me my answer using Acts 16 though.

So, in Acts 16:6-10, Paul is on one of his missionary journeys (I can never keep them apart). Thinking that he is doing what he is supposed to, he tries to go into Mysia. When he gets to the border, the Holy Spirit keeps him from going in. That night, he has a vision of someone begging him to come to Macedonia and takes that as direction from God.

Paul going into Mysia would have been a great move. It was an area with direct access to the major trading routes of the day. Trade routes were the Internet of the ancient world. They not only moved material products but also information and ideas. If I were Paul, I would ask God what He was doing keeping me from making my genius move. The thing is, because Paul ultimately went to Macedonia, he was able to present the gospel to what would eventually become Europe. Years later, Europe sent out the pioneering missionaries that spread the Word to countries like India and China. Pretty cool.

What does this have to do with me? It has to do with open doors and closed doors. I feel like I've been standing at a dead-bolted door trying desperately trying to get in because it's what I think is best. All the while, right next to the locked door is a door that is wide open. I'm not going to say which door is which right now. The main point is that I recognize what's been going on and what I need to do about it. *sigh of relief*

Oh, and if you want to hear the sermon where I got most of this from, just click here.


Michael said...

I totally know that feeling. It's not an easy decision to make even right after you've made it. But once you've been down the road a ways, you look back and see that it was the right decision because God was both leading you and directing you from behind.

I'm looking forward to catching up with you in person next week :)

Rach said...

I'm so glad you have a peace about this now!