Wednesday, November 4, 2009

And I'm Back

So, looking at the new version of a friend's blog today reminded me that I have one of my own to update. For all three of you that regularly check this blog, I apologize for the silence :) Seminary is way crazier than I thought it would be. Anyway, start checking back more often because I'm gonna start posting pictures of my new home, sharing ideas that have been popping into my head, talking about books that I've read, and I might even find three things I like enough to resurrect Top Three Tuesday. I know. You're dying in anticipation. I'll do my best to live up to the expectations. Toodles!


Michael said...

Hope things haven't been too rough for you this first semester and that you're learning and growing a lot down in New Orleans :)

Rach said...

yay for new posts!

Russell said...

I'm not holding my breath! :-)